Thursday, September 15, 2011

Famous Fridays 9/16/11

Special post for this weeks Famous Fridays. We got two edits made by yours truly and to finish it off with a photo of myself at Johnny's place making the invisible man shot.

Mindy got me a gun a few months ago, and we have been shooting the shit out of things. Pretty fun

I was a little bored so I put a boarder on this edit and I don't think I'll be doing that again


Look at what I made and it only took 5 hrs on this one


Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten Years Later

Over the past few weeks I've been asking friends and family where they were on 9/11 for this project. I found that everybody I talked to remembered exactly where they were and what they were doing. The three portraits below reflect three of these people's stories.

Daniel Green-
I was feeding my son oatmeal when I turned on the TV and saw the first tower burning. I honestly thought it was a movie trailer at first. 9/11 affected me not only as an American, but as a member of the National Guard. I was shipped out for 18 months, I was mad, I couldn't believe the sucker punch we took that day. As I watched the towers come down I knew our lives were changed.

Joyce Finlinson-
I was sitting at my desk in my classroom when a colleague came running in and told me to turn on the TV. The rest of the morning was spent watching the news reports and trying to explain to my 4th grade class what had happened and why someone would do such a thing. It was tough morning for all of us.

Elliot Wilde-
I was 19 and working for Provo City at South Fork Park. I was sitting in my truck when I heard on the radio what had happened. At that time, I didn't fully understand the magnitude that this event would have on the world. I later enrolled in the fire academy and realized that 9/11 impacted so many aspects of our lives, especially the fire service.