Sunday, August 28, 2011

Famous Fridays 9/2/11

This past week has been pretty freaking awesome between the skating and the lightning storms its been fun.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Famous Fridays 8/26/11

I'm really proud of this edit. Its the highlights over the past couple months fighting fire. For some reason during the upload of the video the sound of the back ground is off by a little, anyway This is UFRA Class 62

Friday, August 12, 2011

Famous Fridays 8/12/11

I first need to say I don't have any pics of Wilde, Pace, and Stone and I don't know why cause those dudes are some heros to me, but here are the other cool cats apart of class 62 with me.

This is what happens when it gets really hot and you are standing up in the fire while filming, shit melts


White's getting the shot


He just can't stop smiling


FYI Standford played college soccer

Hudson, and Kopinski



Instructor Olson making sure we ain't burnt up in there

Scaulgard is one cool dude

Carter's holding it down

"Larsen is command"

Who is that good looking dude


that Harvath is one tough chick



The Bay

Class 62