Friday, February 25, 2011

Famous Fridays 2/25/11

I'm a Townie

We just placed our up, flat, down box and the kids were ripping it up

Famous Fridays

Photo's by me of our team getting wicked

Rex and Chris were getting some shots

Monday, February 14, 2011

Famous Fridays 2/18/11

Happy One Year! 52 weeks ago
I remember a little over a year ago I wanted to do a snowboard weekly thing of my self, some friends, and my travels for the winter time just for the sake of doing something and having an excuse for having a blog. After the snow season came to an end I decided to continue to keep posting random things every week that I took part in from the Flow Rider, Skating, or doing some kind of Photo pushing button stuff, and now back for another snow season. I've really enjoyed doing this thing (Blog). I know my followers aren't great in numbers and most likely its only Mindy checking it. but It is what it is. Its been 52 weeks and 61 posts and counting I've only missed one Friday and I'm pretty sure only Zach was the only one who noticed cause he called me out the next day at work. I'm going to continue and hope I will be around to say Happy Two Year Famous Fridays.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Famous Fridays 2/11/11

Short edit of boarding at the farm

Friday, February 4, 2011

Famous Fridays 2/4/11

This post is all about what we got going at Wasatch this year. Hope you enjoy!

Pushing snow for the hip which is at the top before the boarder cross

Time to start shaping

Shadow from up top

Before shot of the 16ft flat box


From up top

Yep thats a lot of snow we got off the cabin

Edit of laps in the park with the kids

Sunny day hitting the boarder cross

Photo taking from a clip of the edit above on the Hip

Photo from a film clip on the spine

Seat belt grab