Sunday, January 23, 2011

Famous Fridays 1/28/11

HAHAHAHA This weeks post comes from my car in the library's parking lot. I really need the web.

We had a mini Townie reunion up Fairview with Rich, The T.I.T. and Gar pants. It was just like old times and made me remember why I still do this shit.

Photos of Sam and Kelly Wilkey
Done by Me

Friday, January 14, 2011

Famous Fridays 1/14/11

Mindy and I went tubing in midway and that stuff is fun

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Famous Fridays 1/5/11

Christmas gifts

She's with me

New boots from Board Of Provo and they are HOT! Thanks John

Sean was ripping turns on the temple grounds

Same Photo but Color

I was on my way to play on the tables up at the power plant when I saw this little gem. I was so pumped because I thought I was the only one left who still plays up there. I have no idea who left the set up but it was a good ol time.